24 сентября 2024 — 14:22
The order of the Acting Minister of Transport dated September 13, 2024 amended some orders on road transport, reports Zakon.kz .
In particular, the rules for the application in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the international certificate of weighing of cargo vehicles and the provision of public services "Issuance of the international certificate of weighing of cargo vehicles" are set out in a new edition.
The certificate is issued at the request of the carrier or the driver at stationary transport control posts in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The weighing of cargo vehicles is carried out on stationary weighing equipment.
The information contained in the certificate is recognized as reliable and control weighing of vehicles is not allowed, except in the following cases:
non-compliance of weight or dimensional parameters specified in the certificate and accompanying documents (CMR, CARNET TIR);
when reloading, partially unloading or reloading cargo to another vehicle, as well as when transferring cargo under another customs regime;
inconsistency of the data specified in the certificate (column 3) with the actual data of the controlled vehicle;
non-compliance of the special weight parameters of the vehicle with the data specified in the certificate (column 8).
The results of the control weighing of the vehicle are entered in column 10 of the certificate.
The certificate is made in a typographic way and has a security system.
The forms of the certificate are forms of strict accountability.
It is also stated that the application of the certificate on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not depend on the state of its issuance, as well as the registration of a vehicle engaged in international cargo transportation by TIR or by another procedure that excludes unauthorized access to the cargo compartment of the vehicle.
The state service "Issuance of the international certificate of weighing of cargo vehicles" is provided by the territorial bodies of the Committee of Motor Transport and Transport Control of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The applicant sends the service provider or through the e-government web portal www.egov .kz, www.elicense.kz application for obtaining a certificate.
Upon receipt of the application, the service provider carries out the weighing of the vehicle. The period for providing public services from the moment the vehicle is provided for weighing is one hour.
According to the results of weighing the vehicle, the service provider issues a certificate and the employee issues it on purpose to the service provider.
When providing a public service through the state information system of permits and notifications, data on the stage of its provision is automatically transmitted to the information system for monitoring the provision of public services.
The authorized body in the field of transport, within three working days from the date of approval or amendment of the subordinate regulatory legal act defining the procedure for the provision of public services, updates information on the procedure for its provision and sends it to a Single contact Center.
At the same time, the rules for the organization and implementation of transportation of bulky and heavy goods in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan specify that the transportation of bulky or heavy indivisible goods by motor vehicle or liquid cargo transported in specialized tank cars on highways is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road, the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation, the list of operational and special services, the transport of which is subject to equipment with special light and sound signals and coloring according to special color schemes, as well as additional requirements for the transportation of bulky and heavy goods established by their manufacturer or shipper (consignee).
At the same time, it is indicated that a special permit valid for the period specified in it is issued for one vehicle carrying the same type of bulky or heavy indivisible cargo or liquid cargo transported in specialized tank cars along the established route.
A special permit is issued for one trip for up to six months.
The order will come into force on November 20, 2024.
Earlier it was reported that Kazakhstan has identified a national operator of the transportation tracking system.