
Connecting logistics chains

CARGOCLUB is a modern freight exchange that simplifies logistics for all participants of the process: forwarders, cargo owners, carriers, warehouse users and customs brokers.

Cargo placed112today

Who is our service for?

Logistics through CARGOCLUB is simple and profitable


Our services

Current loads in CARGOCLUB

  • LoadingRU, 141700, г. Долгопрудный26.07.2024
  • UnloadingRU, 606000, г. Дзержинск29.07.2024
  • Cargo information1,5 t, тнп
  • more
  • LoadingIT, 25100, city. Brescia30.07.2024
  • UnloadingPL, 05-870, city. Błonie06.08.2024
  • Cargo information20 t, sprzet
  • more
  • LoadingRU, 143000, г. Одинцово30.07.2024
  • UnloadingBY, 230000, г. Гродно31.07.2024
  • Cargo information2,5 t, металл
  • more
  • LoadingRU, 309850, г. Алексеевка29.07.2024
  • UnloadingBY, 222810, г. Марьина Горка31.07.2024
  • Cargo information22 t, Шрот подсолнечный
  • more
  • LoadingBY, 224000, г. Брест26.07.2024
  • UnloadingRU, 101000, г. Москва30.07.2024
  • Cargo information6 t, тнпLDM: 4,8 m
  • more

Start working with CARGOCLUB